Hi Amber,

We completed our trip last week and I wanted to thank you and everyone else at VNO we interacted with (Lynn, John, Lucas and Big John) for being so hospitable!  We had a great time doing our Lake One to Snowbank Lake trip, and John had great tips about the desirable campsites.  Big John was at our pickup point earlier than 1 pm, which was fantastic considering we made great time and wound up there around 11:30 am!  I can't tell you what a pleasure it was to sip those cold drinks after the furious paddling we had to do in the big, windy portions of Snowbank and Disappointment Lakes.  

We look forward to coming back next year as we already miss the beauty and tranquility of being in the Boundary Waters, and the fantastic service we enjoyed from everyone at VNO.  Have a great rest of the summer, and please give our thanks to everyone!



